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Hey I'm a certified social media marketing expert, I'm new to this market so I want to start working soon, thanks
marketerismail Digital Marketing and Advertising Specialist

Hello I'm Ismail, nice to meet you! As a digital marketing specialist, I have a wealth of knowledge and experience to help our clients' businesses grow. I have 4 years + experience. Helping my client increase their business sales is an exciting endeavor. Social media can be a powerful platform to expand a business, build an audience, and increase engagement Do you want to increase the scope of your business quickly? message me I am very eager to help you. thank you


More detailed information about this user

Md. Ismail Hossen
Bangladesh Bangladesh
New buyer
Member since
September 6, 2024

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List of languages I speak

  • বাংলা

  • English

  • हिंदी


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